how to be successful in your new role right away

1. Introduce yourself again and again

It’s natural. When you’re new, you’re new. Settling into a new environment with new people is never easy. It takes time. Introducing yourself to as many people as possible helps establish your name in the company network, while developing your interpersonal confidence. Whether via e-mail, a video call, or person to person, introduce yourself, say what you do, what you’re interested in, and why you started working with SSP America.

2. Get to know everyone you can

Everyone who works at SSP America—works at SSP America for a reason. They fill an integral role in the entire company’s success, and they enjoy their job for one reason or another. Understanding their skills and abilities will help you when you need help, and they’ll know when to call on you when they’re in need. Getting to know each other helps build the culture of care we’re continually building led by a team of PASSIONate food travel experts.

3. Add value

You were hired for a reason. There’s a lot of work that needs to be done given SSP America’s rapid growth—and you’re just the person to help out. Your first priority is to soak up as much information as possible to understand the most effective and best way to get that work done. We also want you to learn all about our business, our industry, and culture. And then, find ways to add value. Then, find ways to add more value. At SSP America, people who go above and beyond get recognized, grow, develop, and earn better and better roles.

Ready to join the ranks of the Food Travel Experts?

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